Yesterday, I put 3 out of 4 kids onto the school bus for the first day of school. It was no one's "first day of school ever" so I was calm, cool and collected and took some very cute pictures. I also took the day off in order to see them off to school and then when they got home and to be quite honest, to have a few hours of peace and quiet all to myself.
Right now, I am listening to Sara Groves "Conversations" and it is putting me in a very reflective mood. I also read a friend's blog and feel inspired to compose a couple of lists about things I am thinking about... or pondering, treasuring in my heart whichever it may be at the moment.
Tulip Mom's List of Summer Highlights:
1. Moving to a new home, from an apartment to a house!
2. Sitting on my deck, watching the trees rustle and feeling the breeze on my face.
3. Watching my 6 year old learn to swim underwater at the lake.
4. Watching my 4.5 year old dance.
5. Thunder and lightning.
6. Watching fireworks with my kids, especially Peanut because it was his first time.
7. the smell of fresh rain
8. The downy woodpecker on the dead tree and the day Peanut decided it was HIS woodpecker and it was named "Sizzlie"
9. Our new kitten
10. going to lunch with co-workers
11. Standing on the deck, at my post, while my fiance attempted to chase a bat out of the house
12. Finding a mouse in the bathtub and catching it in a can.
13. The sound of tree frogs
14. My daughter's "creature" container which has captured a tree frog, a "golden" dragon fly, a mosquito.
15. Ant farms and cricket castles
16. Biking to the library
17. Inviting friends over for dinner
18. scrapbooking
19. taking pictures of my kids
20. bringing a co-worker home during lunch because we were in the neighborhood and finding my kids jumping in the mud/creek bed and having her laugh about it all afternoon
21. going to Bunker Beach and riding water slides with my oldest 2 kids for the first time
22. Jumping in the waves with my 6 year old and 4 year old
23. Backyard BBQ's
24. Sorting school supplies and writing names on everything
25. On the first day of school: Pumpkin-head (6 year old 1st grader) saying "I thought about my classroom number all night...102, 102, 102..."
26. Coming home to a completely empty house after kids go to school, Peanut goes to daycare and just sitting in my favorite chair and reading a book for a peaceful hour
27. Joining weight watchers and losing 7.2 lbs
28. Getting a call from the nurse on the first day of school to say that Banana Boy fainted during lunch.
29. Painting and decorating kids bedrooms and hearing them say, "I LOVE my room"
30. a clean kitchen counter
31. the taste of a cold glass of iced tea
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