The first week of school is over. Overall, I think everything went very well. I felt very leisurely at work, strolling in at 10am every day and only working 3 out of 5 days.
There were a couple of moments that were not great. When I got home on Thursday, I was anxious to hear from Peanut how Kindergarten went. I was pulling up to the mailbox and I saw Princess approach on her bike. That's a nice welcome.
"Mommmm... you will not believe this but there is a BIG problem at home. SOMEONE. POOPED. EVERYWHERE. All over the WHOLE house."
My spirits sank. "Are you sure it wasn't one of the cats?"
"NO!! SOMEONE missed the toilet and then spread poop everywhere. It's totally gross. I think it was PH because he is the one I saw coming out of the bathroom."
"Tell your brothers to get home. RIGHT NOW."
I did not know what to expect. I have a vivid imagination so I was picturing feces spread from wall to wall and floor to ceiling. I wondered if someone was really mad and trying to tell me how upset they were. However, this would be very out of character, even for BB (He would just break a lamp or something...he wouldn't touch poop...but he would tell someone else to do it).
I won't describe it in detail because it is disgusting. But it was pretty bad but also pretty obvious that whoever the culprit was, it wasn't intentional. It was clearly a case of "Couldn't make it in time". What I still don't understand, and it is probably because I know longer think like a 7 year old, is why if he couldn't make it all the way to the toilet in the bathroom off the kitchen...he thought it would be better to then go upstairs and try for the other bathroom too, leaving a trail of excrement as he went. I could practically retrace his steps from the kitchen bathroom, up the stairs, to the upstairs bathroom and then back to his bedroom where he dropped his soiled clothing on the carpet.
I spent the better part of an hour cleaning the carpet. It was not how I envisioned spending the evening. After talking to PH about it, he did tell me that he had some trouble where "things came really fast". I think it is his medicine for Reflux that is causing him this lower GI distress. Poor kid...he's got it going from both ends. I suspect that the Prevacid he is taking for his reflux is not really doing the trick for him and we will have to go back in to the doctor for more invasive testing. My only reprieve is that he is not throwing up in the middle of the night, but he does continue to regurgitate.
So, Friday morning, BB comes up while I am getting ready for work to tell me that he has thrown up and feels like he is going to again. I looked him over and felt his skin. He did not feel warm or clammy. I figured he was trying to get out of going to school for some reason. I told him that I could not stay home (It's Friday Lunch day!!). So, he would need to go to school and tough it out. I sent him out the door to catch the bus.
However, when I left the house to head for work, he was standing in the driveway. It was just a little after 9, so I told him I would drive him to the bus stop and maybe he hadn't missed the bus. The bus and all the kids were gone. Now I am mad.
"BB, this WILL NOT happen again. It is only this week that I am here until you go to school. Starting next week, I will be leaving for work at 8am and if you miss the bus, you will have to walk."
"But I don't know the way."
"Then pay attention because I am going to show you how you will walk to school. It isn't far but if you have to walk it, it will take you a while, so you can't waste time."
I drove him to school and he sulked the whole way. There was no cheerful good-bye, just a stern warning that this was not going to happen again or he would have consequences at school and at home.
I waited all day long for the phone to ring and the school nurse to tell me that he was sick and needed to come home. However, the phone never rang. My suspicions were correct. It was a ploy...a failed ploy, mind get out of going to school.
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