Monday, December 29, 2008

One Thing Resolved

The wheels of justice turn slowly. I have been trying to contact the court about my speeding ticket and citation for expired tabs so I could find out what my fine is. However, each time I called, I was told that my citation was not in the computer yet because they were backlogged. Finally, today, I was able to find out.


After I picked my jaw up off the floor and my stomach off of my feet, I decided to take myself down to the other end of my building and speak to the court officer and see what that person could do. I figured at least I could explain the issue about my tabs and maybe get that taken off.

She gave me two options. I was not happy about either options. It was a tough choice.

#1: Pay $250 and make no moving violations or tab citations in 1 year and both would never show up on my record.

#2: Pay $145 for the speeding, admitting I was guilty of this misdemeanor moving violation which will go on my record for 5 years and the tab citation would be dropped.

If I had $250, I would gladly take option #1. However, I just don't have that kind of money. And I also feel like the tab citation was not entirely my fault. However, I was speeding and I was guilty of that. And I can cough up $145 but it will cost me a clean driving record.

Not an easy choice. I hate having to make decisions like this purely based on the financial aspects of it. Certainly Option #1 was the better deal if I could pull it off. But I just can't. I did however, walk away feeling significantly lighter than I did walking in. I had dealt with it. Maybe it wasn't the best choice but it was a choice and I will live with it. And the court officer gave me 30 days to pay the fine. That too made me feel better.

My legal issue is still hanging in the air. My attorney checked in with the court and found out that it has not been filed. I still fly under the assumption that No News is Good News but I also would like to get it resolved for better or worse, rather than sitting here in limbo waiting for the shoe to drop.

I pray that God would be merciful, as would my ex-fiancee' and just let the whole thing drop. If it can't be dropped, or won't be dropped, then some sort of settlement that I can handle can be arranged. However, I must continue to sit by and bide my time. I don't like waiting.

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