I am not a very good sick person. To be more accurate, I am not a very good recovering from sickness person. At least I know that I am getting better when I start getting really irritable. I am embarrassed to say, my behavior is not pleasant or particularly mature.
After a day of spewing from every exit, my body is aching. I told my kids my vomit muscles hurt. They laughed. I still feel tired and easily fatigued on top of being very crabby. I spent yesterday on the couch fading in and out of a show on the Sci Fi channel. I had two people ask me if I ate tainted Peanut Butter. Ha ha.
I set my alarm but apparently in my fevered, and foggy state, I did not set it to the correct am/pm designation. My alarm clock is rather goofy anyway. It is cool in the fact that it sets the time itself just by being plugged in and doesn't do that 12:00 blinky thing if the power goes out. However, for some reason, I can't always get it set to the correct time zone nor can I get it to be on the correct am/pm setting. When I am thinking clearly, I know that I have to have it set to the opposite of what it should be on a non-goofy clock. But when I am sick, I can't think like that. So, I had set my alarm to the correct time but forgot about the weird am/pm glitch.
I woke up from a weird dream about calling in to work, back when I worked at the Regional Treatment Center, only in my dream, I couldn't figure out who I was supposed to call and no one I tried calling would tell me the correct person or would tell me that I needed to call another number and in the meantime, the start of my shift had begun and now I was a "no call/no show" and was completely humiliated... So, when I stirred out of this panicky dream, I looked at the clock and realized it was 6:40am and I needed to get my daughter off to school. She apparently fell asleep on the couch and when I woke her, told me that she had been up and in the bathroom a good deal of the night.
Good...go back to sleep. You're staying home.
And I went back to bed. I called my supervisor, told her I would be in later, reset my alarm and went back to bed to have more weird dreams.
The next time I woke up, I looked at the clock, realizing that again, my alarm had not gone off. It was 8:50am and I needed to get the boys ready. PH has a concert today and needs to wear black pants and a white shirt. He insisted on wearing his black running pants.
Fine. They are black. Here's a white shirt. Let's go.
BB and Princess are playing Playstation and I have to demand they shut it off and now is when things get ugly. Is it my kids fault that I did not set my alarm correctly and thus overslept? Is it their fault that we are now running late? Is it their fault that because of my sickness yesterday, two of them left their backpacks at the babysitter's and no amount of cajoling or yelling was going to produce them?
And yet, all that proceeded out of my mouth was harsh, ugly words of "Get going. NOW."
Peanut is in tears. BB is harumphing around as slowly as he can, making angry faces at me. PH is pouting at me and trying his hardest to tie his boots with minimal success. And yet, the verbal tirade continues. Every single thing in the house is getting on my nerves. The mud on the floor that was tracked in yesterday by the guys who came to fix my door knob. The wrapper from a cereal bar that someone has yet again neglected to get into the garbage that is 6 inches away...
I can't take it. Finally, I get everyone into the car and I do believe just about everyone was either in tears or fuming mad and I get them to school. BB blurts out, "I think we are going to be late. It's 9:24"
"You have 1 minute to get in that door. You are fine. Now Go."
What a pleasant way to start the day.
So, after this, I head over to the gas station and pick up some Sprite for my daughter and then I head home. I did the dishes and that, surprisingly, made me feel better. It was one thing I could accomplish. I also took a very long, hot shower and got ready for work.
I realized that I am still not 100% up to par when I had been at work for a couple of hours and realized that I really needed a nap and was counting down the minutes until I could head home. However, what waited for me at home was a 2nd grade choir concert, dinner and 4 kids. Hardly the rest I need. And my kids will attest that I continued to be very crabby.
My stellar quote of the evening, while I looked for a parking place at the school, was "BB, I don't need you to gripe because I am griping sufficiently for all of us."
As soon as it flew out of my mouth, I knew that I was in a state of severe distress and not completely in control. As one of my client's calls it "No social filter".
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