According to BB, the egg was a huge hit and EVERYONE wanted to touch it. He also said that the graph we made on excel did not need to be explained "because everyone got it right away". He also said he did not have to do any talking. I am still hanging on with baited breath to find out what his grade is. He said he did get a lot of positive remarks about his poster. So, we did good. And I think that he did learn a great deal in the process, so that is a good thing.
Peanut is completely cracking me up lately. He says the funniest things. Except that he says them in all seriousness and does not mean to be funny. Over the weekend, we were at Sam's Club and eating lunch. He tried to quote a line from the boy's favorite show Star Wars: the Clone Wars and said, "Let's turn these clones into scrapbooks." I believe the correct word was "scrap metal" but his version is very cute and the kids launched into lengthy descriptions of robots sitting down to cut up pictures and glue them down, showing each other their books. There was a great deal of giggling and laughing. I enjoyed it immensely because for a few brief moments, the older brothers were laughing with Peanut instead of making fun of him or calling him annoying.
There was an older couple sitting behind us and the gentleman said to me, as I stood up, "I really enjoyed listening to your children talking about their favorite show and laughing. It was a lot of fun." I figure it really made his day if he took the time to comment to me about it.
This morning, while driving in the car, Peanut said something and it made me laugh. I told him he was very funny and very smart. He replied, "Am I smarter than PH?"
No. You two are funny and smart in your own unique ways. One is not better than the other. God made you special because he has a plan for your life and needs you to be how you are so you can fulfill that plan. We just don't know what that plan is because you are still growing up.
"I know what my special plan is..."
Oh you do? What is it?
"To take over the world."
I burst out laughing.
"And to get lots of toys."
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