It was bound to happen sooner or later. I warned them. I scolded even.
Do not bring beverage cups into the living room.
Do not set cups of liquid on the floor.
Keep the Playstation off the floor.
Keep your video games in their cases.
And repeat. Repeat. Repeat. ad nauseum.
This week it did.
I was upstairs when I heard a roar followed by a yell. Then weeping and gnashing of teeth. And then BB screamed, "Peanut, I will NEVER speak to you EVER again."
A certain boy, the smallest of the 3, knocked over the forbidden cup of water, splashing it into the very end of the playstation that would be the worst end to get water splashed into. And now the PS2 no longer works. The eldest two boys have tried every day, to see if the electronics have dried out and function will return to their machine.
BB declared, "Well, if it does not work by Friday, then it will never work again." He said it with such conviction, as if he has had previous experience.
Yesterday, he said, "Mom, I am reading here in the Playstation manual that the PS2 should NEVER be submerged in water."
I have to chuckle silently in my head. They are having a hard time with this. I was afraid they would go into convulsions from their video game withdrawal. Instead, they adapted and have gone over to the babysitter's every afternoon to play on her Playstation until I get off work.
At least it is time limited.
This morning, PH said to me, "Mom, what are we going to do tonight when we have to go home from Jenny's and we are waiting for you to come home?"
Well, the weather is going to be gorgeous. You can play outside. Go to the park. Draw pictures. Play with your legos. Watch a movie on the upstairs DVD player.
I loved his answer, "I think that I will spend some time reading my Bible. I'm already on page 6."
How can I argue with that?
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