I'm so overwhelmed that I am almost paralyzed. Every where I go, there is junk to step on, move around, things to wash, put away, sort through or get rid of. I just can't get a handle on all of it.
At work, I am learning how to delegate tasks to the nurses I supervise. Part of delegation is also learning how to let go. I need to delegate at home and that is something I am having much more difficulty with because my children are definitely not at a level that I would like. But then how else are they to grow if I don't start enforcing my expectations?
We have the opportunity to start fresh because we are moving. Over the course of the next several weeks until moving day in May, I am going to start packing things away in boxes and putting them in the garage. While I do that, I can sort out what we don't need and what can go on the garage sale my Mom and I are going to do in June. She has graciously offered to let me start bringing things over to her garage now so that I don't have to move things twice.
I think one of the problems is that there has been a severe break down in my organizational system. And I have been running like mad since my new job started. My evenings feel very short and I am generally very tired when I get home. I'm out of balance.
I am taking the summer term off of grad school. So for 4 months, I will be able to concentrate on work and kids. The kids will be off for the summer and it will be a good time to start some new habits. If I apply what I am learning at work to what needs to happen at home, I need to establish the expectations and then take the time to practice those new expectations until they begin to feel natural and a part of what we do. I hope 4 months is enough time to do that before school starts back up for everyone.
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