I found the staff fridge!! So, I can mark that off my "To Do/Learn How to Do" list. A gal from work showed me where the fridge is. I landmarked it my memory with the location of a VIP who is the "It girl" when it comes to computer stuff that I often need. The staff fridge and microwave is directly across from her cube. Whew!
But my new revised goal is to learn how to work my pager. I have the concept down. I get a page, it vibrates, I shriek and jump up, and then look at the number and call the number back. My shrieking is a lot quieter now but I still jump several inches off the ground. However, I don't know how I did it but I set an alarm to go off every day at 1:33 pm. I am trying to figure out how to turn it off. I did get a real page once but the rest have been this crazy alarm.
Maybe I could use the alarm to teach me how to relax and not over-react in case I get a real page.
I think I would rather learn how to turn the doggone thing off and take my chances when a real page comes.
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