Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tiger is a Mama of Five

Every new Mom needs to tell her story. This is Tiger's:

I have been very tired lately, just laying around a lot. I haven't even felt like sitting in the windows, watching the birds and the cars go by. I just want to lay in the dark, quiet places; under the table or under the beds. This morning, I woke up from my early morning nap and something felt different. I stood in the hallway, staring into space, wondering what was going on. My humans left for church and I went looking for a dark, quiet place to lay down. I found the big, soft bed of my Chief Human in Charge of Food and Water (she is also in charge of the smaller humans). I snuggled down under the quilt. It was so dark and warm.

But I couldn't sleep. My tummy started hurting real bad and things got real wet but I couldn't leave this spot. I really don't know what is going on. I began to push hard and instinct took over. I didn't think at all. One by one, these little lumps fell out. I cleaned them off and laid back down to push out another. There were 5 of them.

After a while, Chief Human in Charge of Food and Water, layed down on her bed and kicked me. I yelled out, but I am so tired, that it was not really loud. She heard me and pulled back the blanket. She got real excited and said something about "Kittens". I don't know what that means except that she used to call me her kitten.

I looked around and saw there were these squirmy, little things and they were climbing all over me making this squeaky noise. I weakly yelled, "What do you want from me? What are you?"

Something latched on to a nipple. OUCH!! But the squeaking stopped. Hmmm. Interesting.

Chief Human picked me up and put me in a box. I yelled, "I don't know what those things are...but they are mine... and I must stay with them and make the squeaking stop!" And I jumped out of the box and back on to the bed. Then Chief Human carried the little squirmy squeakers to the box and once they were all in there, then I laid down in the box with them. All five of them found a nipple and stopped squeaking. They are really kind of cute. They seem to need me and I seem to need them. I feel so compelled to just lay here and take care of them, to protect them and lick them clean. Maybe that is what Chief Human meant. These are kittens. My kittens.

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