This is a week to celebrate many blessings:
1) I had a scare with my phone company bundle service when I got a bill for $400 and then a collection notice. I was pretty sure this was wrong and it seemed I was being double billed for something I had already taken care of. I gave myself the weekend to cool off and collect my thoughts. When I called on Monday, the customer service guy (CSG) did some research while he had me on the phone and could find no $400 balance and no reason for the collection. He told me it is some sort of a fluke and not to worry about it. I took his name and wrote down the date and time that I called...just in case. I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief!!
2) One week after the bottom dropped out of my career world and I thought I was going to have to rearrange everything in my life and take a position back at the mother ship, I got word from my supervisor that my job was no longer at risk and I can stay right where I am. I let out a loud "Whooo Wee" and then briskly walked to my county supervisor to tell her the news. She said, "YEah! You can do a happy dance!" And I did!
3) Peanut has conquered his fear of getting his face wet in the pool and on Monday was not only jumping from the edge of the pool but also took off his floaty suit and was doing little swimming strokes and climbing out, so he could jump again. He must have jumped 50 times, getting more and more courageous. The next day, he went to a water park with his babysitter and was swimming underwater for much longer distances than he had the night before. The other mom's thought he had been swimming for much longer. His sitter was amazed that he had only started going underwater the night before!
4) My Dad had hip replacement surgery yesterday. Everything went fine. I saw him tonight. He said he has been running a low-grade temp all day but he said he is feeling OK. He should be able to come home on Saturday. I am still praying that his recovery continues to go on the upswing and that he will be able to manage his pain well.
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