Two boys in one room. Two beds. One has the large drawers which are supposed to hold all the toys. One theoretically has empty space to collect dust bunnies. That's the theory. I discovered in my clean sweep of their room on Friday that my theory has been shot to pieces. This is what I found:
1. Fifty million peices of legos, give or take. Including all those teeny tiny pieces that the Lego company insists are necessary for their kits so that everything can look smooth and "just like the real thing" but really just find their way onto the floor and into the parental foot in the middle of the night.
2. The equivalent of 15 pairs of socks. I had been wondering why so many socks had no buddies. I try to make exact pairs but I really hate sorting socks, so I have resorted to buying several packages of the same socks. But some days, because old socks get mixed in with new socks, I figure it is better to go with a sock on each foot and no one will notice if they have green stitching or blue stitching, crew length or calf length. Well, now that mystery is solved. (But I don't look forward to sorting and matching socks any more than I ever do. It's a mindlessly boring task that I put off until someone complains they can't find socks to wear.)
3. 5 pairs of underwear. I didn't dare try to guess if they were clean or dirty. I erred on the side of caution and threw them in the laundry basket. This also answered a question I had about why PH seemed to run out of underwear faster than anyone else. Another mystery solved.
4. Various T-shirts and parts of pajama sets. You might think that I don't provide them with a laundry basket. But I do. It is out in plain view, sometimes I purposely put it in the middle of the room so that they can do nothing but trip on it, in the hope that they will USE it. I have even given then countless lessons (lectures might be more appropriate)on how to properly place dirty clothes, particularly socks and underwear, into the laundry basket instead of on the floor. Perhaps they thought that if they hid these things under the bed and in the toy drawers, I would think they were really listening to me and doing a good job with their laundry. Well, I have their number now, don't I? They just don't know that I know their secret yet.
5. Dishes from the kitchen. Another mystery solved: Where do all the spoons go? Apparently to the toy box. Why? That is another mystery altogether. This is another parental code violation because food is not allowed in the bedrooms.
6. Empty applesauce containers, Go-gurt packages and various other food related garbage. It all relates to #5.
I think I am living with pigs. Sockless and underwearless pigs.
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