Last night, BB began to complain about his throat hurting. I tried to ignore him. Ignorance is bliss, right? Then he told me he felt weak and even began to crawl along the floor because his legs felt so tired.
My stomach did a swan dive to my toes when he told me he had a headache.
"Not again! I can't do this again. No NO NO NO NO NO..." I wrestled all night with what I should do. I was so torn. I missed 3 days of work last week. And now it looked like I would miss more work again. I can't in good conscience send him to school knowing he is probably contagious with strept just because I don't want to miss work again and I am worried about my own work reputation and performance review. I can't NOT take him to the doctor when I know he needs antibiotics. But but but.... I had a silent adult temper tantrum inside my head.
My sitter happens to be taking care of her sick mother and so my Dad has been taking care of Peanut this week, so that alleviated some of my dilemna. And I began to sort through and prioritize my day and realized that what I had to get done and the clients I needed to see could be seen in the first half of the day. So, when I got to work, I talked to my supervisor and told her what was happening and what I would be doing for the rest of the day. I got a hold of my clients and took care of what I needed to for today and tomorrow. I got an appointment for BB at 12:30. Everything clicked into place.
Can I just say that I really have a wonderful job? Granted I am burning sick time but my clients are taken care of today and my work is done. I will be a little behind in my documentation but that is something I can catch up on fairly quickly.
And BB's strept test? Flaming Red Positive.
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