Peanut's new skills this week include zipping his own jacket and whistling. Both have me significantly impressed and blown away by how much he has grown up. But I do choke back a sob now and then because reality is setting baby is growing baby is ready for baby is not such a baby any more. What happened? Where did the time go?
His whistling is pretty cute. It started when I heard him trying to whistle so I told him that he has to tighten his lips and blow. He scrunched up his little mouth and sucked some air in and made a sound. His eyes grew big as dinner plates and he exclaimed, "MOM! I did it!"
Then I told him that he needs to wiggle his tongue a little to make different notes. I can't describe it adequately and I wish I had it on video. He tried to blow out his pursed lips while wiggling his tongue back and forth. It was hilarious. I told him he should just keep practicing and he will get the hang of it.
He took me at my word and he has been practicing. All the time. In the car while driving home from daycare. At the dinner table. While going to the bathroom. When he is supposed to be going to sleep. This is met with an irritated, "Peanut!! Stop whistling. I'm trying to sleep." And since the boys are currently sleeping on the floor, there may be a kick in the head followed by some tears and then some angry words, but that is a whole other story.
This morning, he excited told me that he can whistle "two sounds" a high sound and a low sound. And while we were driving, he hung his head out the window and tried to call a bird over. He believes a bird actually heard him and was on the way to him, perhaps to perch on his outstretched hand when two guys on motorcycles pulled up and then when he said hi to them, they gunned their engines to show off and the bird flew away. He can tell a pretty convincing little story. But I don't think his amateur whistling is quite up to the level of bird calling just yet. But he has reached the level of "How to annoy your brother in under 3 seconds".
Next up on the preschool skills agenda, shoe tying.
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