Friday, March 21, 2008

It's positive

Hooray. I'm so excited that I too get to go on 10 days of antibiotics. Not really.

What did strike me odd was the expression on the nurse's face when she told me the results. She looked surprised that it was positive. I however, was not. I was relieved because I knew that I could get an antibiotic and that in about 24 hours, I will start to feel better and I will no longer be contagious.

I also learned on my exploration of WebMd that Strep will go away if left untreated within about 7-10 days. Interesting, I thought. However, without antibiotics, the infected person continues to be contagious for up to 3 weeks! So, I am doing my part to serve mankind by getting on antibiotics.

I'm not really that altruistic. I'm a wimp and a bad patient. I don't like to be sick. I get whiny and irritable. I am no fun to be around. I don't even enjoy myself. So, for that reason, I will seek out the cure of the moldy bread in the form of Pennicilin and do my family a favor and get better soon, so that they will be able to put up with me.

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